Sunday, December 23, 2007


I can't believe it's taken me this many posts to rave about these wonderful artists- Gibbous fashions.

Selene Gibbous is the main designer, as is my understanding. I found her just this year, though I can't remember how. I confess to her being one of my internet crushes- she is a tumbleweed raggedy doll, a Dickensian faery of the most intimate and blackberry bramble tangle.

I soak up everything she and her fellow rag dolls do, I just cannot put in to words how inspiring it is. It's a quickening of the heartbeat, as it always is to find someone of a like style and aesthetic to your own. I hope that when I find the headspace to work on my discarded costumes again (outcasts from the exhibition, they still won't talk to me) I can evoke something even a sliver like this.

Read their 'about' page on their website for more details.

All photographs from the Gibbous website

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