Saturday, April 12, 2008

No sooner home than the nose is to the grindstone...

I'll be updating Etsy with some more wrist cuffs this weekend, hopefully by Sunday night there should be quite a few tattered ladies listed. This one above is already there...

I had one of those 'go' days today- managed to photograph a bunch of stuff for my eBay 'hobby' (I sell vintage there to pay the gas bill!) , did a load of washing, went for a walk in the village, did the dishes (gasp!), started exploring the amazing world of Diamond Glaze, wrote up a listing for Etsy... These take me aaaages because I insist on all that terribly poetic quotes and what-have-you, which means I get distracted researching them!

...and I found an online Mario Bros. Procrastination now comes with a cute little jingle.


Donna Layton said...

Oh wow. I wasn't expecting this. What a treasure trove I've found over here. I absolutely love all the things you make. Your photography is fabulous and you are a master at placement. I will be putting you on my blog roll and pointing people over here. This is wonderful inspiration!
This cuff is giving me the wants really bad.

ArtPropelled said...

What beautiful work you do. A wonderful feel of yesteryear. I started reading your blog in the early hours and have been back plodding from your most recent post. I am absorbing every word and loving every photograph and inspecting each artistic cuff that you make with awe.