Sunday, September 28, 2008

Pitch and chimney ash...soot and rotten silk

1. The Land is sleeping..., 2. In the antechamber of life, 3. Unique Ceiling- Korner's Fölly, 4. SPF 30, 1860s Style., 5. Valmea, 6. Retain, 7. Don't Go Into the Woods, 8. booksnew0002, 9. answers in the front room

Halloween is starting to creep into my bones. I always get rather wistful and wretched this time of year, as Halloween in virtually non-existent in Australia, and when it's around the weather is always so unapologetically early summer sunshiney and bright that it generally ruins the effect.

But all you there in the States and flame-leaved and stormcloud lucky you are, to have the witching hour so sodden in your realm! All your fabulous crafters and artists, sprinkling black glitter and fashioning bats and cats and witches. I'm as jealous as the night is long.


Anonymous said...

england is enjoying a beautiful autumn, sunnier than august! we do have misty mornings and chilly evenings though, your imagery is soulful- how is your house progressing?

Penelope said...

Hi emerging moth...the house is wonderful! Spring is revealing all sorts of hidden treasures. I'm envious of your being in England, my brother is there at the moment and I have wild fancies of joining him!

Kathrine said...


Here in the great Northwest USA, we have misty mornings but we too are having a fabulous Indian summer. I love the fall and can't wait for that blustery Halloween weather. Reading your blog, in my head I acquire quite a good Aussie accent!! I also can picture everything you say.

Take care.