Saturday, September 28, 2013

Paper Perfect

 I figured since I was putting so much energy into destashing stuff lately, that I'd give the vintage shop a little bit of a make over. The blue and white is lovely, but it was starting to get a little cold in there, so a little floral warmth is in order.

 Ideally I'd like to sell those kinds of things- floral china, embroidered linen, pretty coloured English stuff; but since it's so rare for me to find that kind of stuff around here, when I buy it, I keep it! Adding the floral touch to the background still gives me that summer cottage look without giving up my precious treasure.

I could spend all afternoon photographing layers of antique paper. The texture in the light, the different kinds of cream, the way age spots sprinkle over them; my mind has been tinkering over ideas of art again, paper collage and woodblock printing, using antique papers as the base. But for now, they're the base of my other favourite thing to photograph; vintage supplies.

These beads were being photographed for destash, but I couldn't do it- they're like tiny squares of raspberry candy! I'll be putting those back in the 'keepin it' pile, antique pyramid nailheads. They always look so sweet lined up along a thin textile cuff. That's something I've been thinking about again too.


 You might notice a watermark (of sorts) in most of these. I've always been against watermarks- the idea is sensible, but as someone who relies on her image being shared in visual-based social media, I need those images to be as sharable as possible. Unfortunately, Tumblr and Pinterest are both guilty of 'losing the link' when it comes to this stuff; countless times I've had to image-search something to find out where it came from. But I also constantly come across my own images on Pinterest and they often have no attribution at all. The problem for me then lies here, and I think by having a modest watermark like this keeps honest people honest. I know it's easily removed, but I'm not concerned with those people.

Is it a subtle watermark though? Is it too bold? Be honest! I want to know if you would hesitate to pin any of these images because of that watermark.


Ann Schroeder said...

I think the watermark is perfect. Once I got to that part of the post, I had to scroll back up to look for it in the other pictures because I hadn't noticed it. It would not prevent me from pinning, but if I saw the pin elsewhere and it wasn't otherwise attributed, that would be there to help me find you.

Keith@ Vintage Crab Jewelry and Crafts said...

I totally agree with Ann and I too had to scroll up and look. Two of the photos the watermark has been cropped out of but the others are perfectly perfect. Also I had the joy of reading some of your other articles, one on the Etsy shop debacle and the other on photographing items. Thank you so much for the information. I am very new at all of this and your information has proven invaluable!

darlene said...

i think it is subtle enough and you seem to tuck it in and make it work. your photographs, by the way, are what drew me to your shop in the first place! i saw them on a blog years ago and started following all of your shops then and there.

Alice said...

I didn't even see the watermarks as I was distracted by the gorgeous photos! I do like your watermark, tasteful and fits in with your style.

By the way I couldn't resist a couple of your offerings on etsy.

Anonymous said...

As usual, your photos are beautiful. I like your watermark, and it would definitely not keep me from pinning your photos. I get so frustrated sometimes trying to find the original source of images I find on Pinterest, so this would be a help, not a hindrance in my mind!

Unknown said...

Your watermark is as clever as it is useful. A beautiful way to ensure your images retain their origins.

martinisfor2 said...

Your watermark is just right... so very you! I didn't notice it at first. I was drooling over the raspberry beads... honestly, I'd keep them too.

Tina said...

I think the watermarks are great -- and don't detract from the photos!

Speaking of the photos, Penny -- the little details, the lighting, all the delicious aged goodness is just so sublimely overwhelming. Makes me want to crawl inside these compositions and live in them!

Lucie Tales said...

I love that english summer cottage feeling! Delightful!
and for the watermark, just as the others I saw them after you mentioned them otherwise they go unnoticed, which is a good thing for a watermark, I hate those that are all over the picture

Jiorji said...

i think the watermark fits in with the picture. It's subtle but visible

fanciful devices said...

ugh, so lovely. and there's shadow all over this and it still doesnt detract! why do my shadows look dark and awful?
i think if the white writing on the watermark was a softer grey it would blend more and not pop out as much.