Wednesday, May 24, 2017

Hello Goodbye Hello Again

Well well here we are, the turn of the year already in site and - on this part of the world - settling down to winter's quiet. Tempus Fugit, eh? It's ridiculous that I haven't updated since October last... I swear I'm better at this blogging thing than it looks, I've been extremely busy, my head full of different projects and big decisions - nothing unusual there, but lately my brain tends to push out information once there's too much going on. With my internal thinking and pathways looking more like a cloverleaf interchange than a simple crossroads, I um... well, I forgot I had a blog! Oh dear.

Anyway, in light of all that, this post is about changes. Perhaps a boring post for some but for myself, very necessary. I've been in draft with it for a while now; funny that I'm finally ready with it while autumn is having it's brief turn on the stage here. One of the reasons this post has taken so long was the various Etsy changes that have happened in the last 5 months. We've had some real monsters - some not as friendly as you'd like - and I wanted to break them all down and analyse what they mean for sellers, and also give opinions because you know, I have them.

But last night I decided I don't care. At least, not enough to go on about them in great lengths. I've had this post in draft for 4 months, and they were really holding me back as I researched and soap-boxed and added things as they came. But really, apart from that I still have a shop there, I washed my hands of Etsy's convoluted machinations some time ago. That's not to say I will never speak of them again - far from it! But I don't want to focus on their changes any more - I want to focus on mine, because there are quite a few.

First- on the future of Sparrow Salvage.... this will be the last proper post on this blog.

But don't freak out; it is not the end of my blogging! In fact it's just a new chapter, as I will be starting TWO new websites/blogs quite soon. I know you're sitting there thinking 'you can't even update this blog regularly, now you're gunna do two??' Believe me I lectured myself on the same things, which is why all these deep life changes were made.

Sparrow as a shop will continue to run probably up until Christmas, or whenever I run out of supplies to list! I've almost finished sorting the studio but I haven't been buying any 'new' supplies for it; I'm happy to let it go now and let it run it's course. To be honest I did expect to close it in July when I move house (another huge change on the horizon), but it was far too stressful trying to box everything up in lots of reasonable value and non-nightmare shipping! I am happy to keep going; really I enjoy selling supplies - in fact the only reason I'm choosing to put it in the background is because I need the time to concentrate on the new blogs/websites. 

So let's talk about those. The first website is my teaching. For the last four years now I've been writing a book/course on how to sell handmade online, with specific focus on those of you who sell OOAK or limited edition products, people who feel their work is intimately connected to their creative core. In a previous newsletter I announced that I was developing it into an online course, but after a little thought I've decided to release it as a book after all. It's a lot easier on me and much less pressure than the weekly intensity of a course. Perhaps in the future I may turn it into a course, we shall see.

After the first ebook - what I consider the foundational stuff - there will be other books too; social media and pricing being two half-drafts so far. The blog itself will be free, updated every 2 weeks with practical advice on everything to do with branding an authentic handmade store. I also plan to do interviews with people who are 'getting it right' and seeking out guest authors to bring their own facet of expertise.

I'll tell you more about it in a couple of weeks!

The second project is much more of a labour of love - a sort of lifestyle blog where I can return to my roots as a photographer. It's been a kind of 'one day' idea up the back of my mind for some years now, and it's finally time to push it into the spotlight. It will be a blog centred around living a quiet, creative life in the country - or at least the vibes of the country, even if the landscape doesn't accommodate! I'm aiming to do it in magazine style, with lots of lovely big photographs and articles on things like countryside walks, visits to museums, antiquing day trips, traditional food rituals (picnic, afternoon tea, sunday roast) and all that sort of loveliness.

It was originally just a blog, but I am entertaining the idea of connecting a shop to it as well. that all rather depends on how soon I go to England, how much time the teaching blog takes up, what my energy levels become once I've moved house etc.  I try to take things one step at a time... who am I kidding - I don't try at all! I do all the projects right now.

So there we are. Short and informative, as I intended. It is time for things to change; big scary important real changes, and I rise to meet it. I will post again to let you know where you can find my new online homes. There is a season for everything, so they say - and my next season is upon me, bigger and better than ever before.