Things are -of course- all go here now that the shop has finally opened. I need to get one of those widgety things for the side bar here, but right now the focus is on crafting, photographing, listing and promoting.
Promoting is a funny word for it really it makes it sound like serious work, when all I'm really doing is updating blogs, Flickr, Forum surfing...I like doing those things, how can they be work?
In one sense I'm doing more in my day than I did before, but I still can't call it work, because I love it so much. Digging out bits of ribbon I've had for years, thumbing through my collection of book pages, snail-eaten papers, antique letters... rifling through ric-rac tins, time-worn shoe buttons, layering laces and velvets...
(sorry for the dodgy pic, my kitchen table is not well-lit, but it was too pretty not to get a shot of. Wrist-cuff in progress with antique lacework, eggshell sequins, bedsheet, age-marked ric rac, bridal flowers)
As the wrist-cuff was the first thing that sold, I'm doing a few more of those ahead of any more chain-based jewellery. I love to hand sew and it's something I can do in front of the telly, so it's great for filling in all those times you feel like you should be 'doing something'. Plus, they sort of feel more like 'me' than the other jewellery; I'm not happy with the level I'm on with my chain-based stuff right now- I love it, but I want to push it further than where it is.
Wrist cuffs in progress- materials from top to bottom- wool blanket (custom dyed, embellished with 19th century velvet rug strip, rusty nails, sea shells, antique buttons), lace, custom-dyed felt, custom-dyed cotton trim, black suede, custom-dyed lace, 1960s Indian block-printed cotton)
Doing the cuffs again has given me a real chance to play with fabric; just sit down with a pile of things I like the colours of that day and layer it about until it fits. They're quite like the framed assemblages in that way.
To keep a good range of price options in the shop (and because I've never really done them before), I'm making some smaller paper-centric ATC/ACEOs on a lovely thick creamy stock paper rescued from the Printers cleaning out here at the museum. It's all pre-cut, so all I have to do is reach for a scrap any time I have an idea that won't gel with the 'proper' collage I'm working on. They're also a great way to try out new ideas. they're bigger than your standard ACEO size- I looked at doing some of those but to be honest they're just to small for me to be comfortable with!
Work-table, featuring an ACEO on the go and two members of my old scissor collection. I love scissors, even when they can't cut butter!
People who still like to collect that size will be pleased to know however that all my business cards thus far are hand-made, so they're little ACEOS in their own right. In fact I think I'll keep doing that, it's in keeping with the aesthetics of what I'm doing...and gives me an excuse to order a custom stamp from Etsy. :)
I'm also doing collage-topped trinket boxes. Right now there are only 6 available, until I find more boxes. They're really good to make though, so I shall have to ask the thrift if they have any out the back I think.