Spring has officially hit Australia (I go by what Mrs.Nature does rather than the calendar) and it's making me feel all energised and clean. Things are happening, little cogs turning and gears shifting, shaking off the dust of winter.
I have felt this year for the very first time in my life that I am looking forward to the warmth of early summer, and I know it's because of England. Summer in England is a warm and gentle affair, not the volcano island that Australia inflicts upon us. There is news though that the summer here this year will be an English summer (not too hot, comes with rain), so I am glad!
Shallot transformed
I've not been updating the shop much lately, I've plenty of supplies and am making things, but the going is slow. Sometimes it's because the muse is sluggish, but this time it's because she's so busy filling my head with ideas and projects that I can barely keep my mind on one task, let along complete it. I've started to make things for the bridal collection, which so far has included a pair of earrings and a lovely custom bangle and earrings set.
Custom 'tattered vintage' set
In the meantime though things have been swimming along nicely. The thrift shop continues to be haultastic - must be something about spring, people are cleaning out their cupboards and throwing away all their delightful vintage. My friends and I had a morbid theory that a lot of old people die in the winter, and their family donates their goods in spring. Either way the thrift has lately been gold.
clover fields
Left to right- pink roses bedsheet, doilies for murdering, vintage 1940s men's pjs in cherry condition, the most wonderful clover dinner plates that I nearly had a heart attack over, and some over-large handmade steins which suit an antique jug of mine so perfectly that I think the potter must have had the same one and was inspired by it.
They also seem to be having a run on Indian bangles, which is serendipitous for me to say the least! Scored lots of coloured ones, which I'm constantly low on.
I was also recently interviewed for the Folk Reveries team, you can read it here. Kudos to Andrea for choosing such lovely images to go with my yammering. :D
Also, here are some lovely treasuries I've been lucky enough to be in lately:
Diamonds In Rust
Mad Max
Charm and Sorcery
And finally, a prayer is in the works. A prayer to have something belong to me and mine, something beautiful, something so filled with potential, and something I fell in love with more than I have ever fallen before.
She's not much to look at now (the house, not my friend!) but the spark is there.
(estate agent image- edited by me)
Heed us well, spirits of destiny. Sage farm must come to life in my hands.